The Chaos of Undefined Boundaries: When Work Feels Like the Wild West

The Chaos of Undefined Boundaries: When Work Feels Like the Wild West

At Incognimous, we’ve lived through: the chaos that comes from the unclear boundaries. One possible scenario is that there is no clearly defined scope, and no policies, and processes for the situation. It is an example of the Wild West at work, where there are no rules and everyone is improvising.

Initially, it seems like a blessing. Free from strict rules and bureaucratic obstacles. The situation then transforms from clarity into a state of chaos. The original project, which was supposed to be simple, morphs into some kind of a monster that is constantly changing and adapting to new ideas that sneak in. Scope creep, anyone? Tasks that weren’t even on the list suddenly became the main ones because, well, nobody said they couldn’t.

Let’s also touch on the point of the effectiveness of processes. If no one knows who is responsible for what, deadlines become a mere desire, and accountability becomes a thing of the past. Thus, a frantic run, as people try to understand where things went wrong, all this meanwhile solving a dozen unexpected duties.

We have acquired evidence of how a small amount of planning can lead to great distance without sharpening. The clearly set limits are like the rails of the train riding on a straight wire. Clearly defined objectives allow the whole team to stay on the same page, while the well-grained procedure is the one that keeps the project from going sideways. Policies, indeed? They are the means of your protection and safe environment secure against the chaos.

Remember, walls are not the reducer of invention—the limits are the basis that saves the invention from becoming a catastrophe. In the absence of them, you are in danger not only to provoke chaos but also to get it.


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